Email Overload Solutions is going to cease operations at the end of September, 2024

Email Overload Solutions will be Shutting-Down

Will Cease operations at the end of September


Email Overload Solutions will cease operations at the end of September, 2024

It is with great regret that I inform you that I will be shutting-down my Email Overload Solutions site at the end of September 2024.

I started Email Overload Solutions back in 2014 as a way to help educate people on how to better manage their Email.

At the time, I was working as a Knowledge Worker in a large corporate environment and was heavily impacted by the negative effects of Email and Information Overload.

Like many corporate workers, I felt as if I spent most of my day “living inside of Email” and was challenged by trying to juggle the “never-ending barrage” of incoming and outgoing messages.

I remember my son once asking me what I did for a living. I thought about it for a second, and responded:

“I answer Emails. If there are fewer Emails at the end of the day than when I started, I had a good day. If there are more Emails than when I started, I had a bad day”.

Sad but true commentary on what my job had become.

For the past decade, I was heavily involved in the areas of Email Overload, Information Overload, and Personal Productivity, as a trainer, coach, and Steering Team member of the Information Overload Research Group (which closed earlier this year).

I published several hundred articles on this website, focusing on Email management, Personal Productivity, and related topics.

However, in late 2019, I retired from my corporate role and I have been focusing my time on adjunct teaching and volunteer work. Since 2019, my work on this site has been diminishing each year, with only a very few number of new articles over the past two years.

Researching, Writing, and Formatting articles for the website, as well as managing the website and its various tools and integrations, takes a significant amount of personal time as well as cost.

Although I wanted to keep the site up and available, as some of my articles still are heavily accessed, it just became no longer financially feasible for me. Between the hosting, domain, Google, and Email costs, it costs several hundred dollars a year to maintain the site, in addition to time to keep things working. And although I generate a bit of Advertiser Revenue and eBook sales, it only covers a very small fraction of the annual operating costs.

Lastly, I considered selling the site to a web marketing company, but they just plaster your site with low-quality ads as a way too try to make money, and I wasn’t willing to do that either.

Therefore, I came to the tough decision that it was time to shut down the site and focus my attention on my teaching, volunteer work, and enjoying time with friends and family.

I do believe Email Management and Personal Productivity are still important areas and am proud of my contributions and articles. However, many of my older articles are now outdated due to changes and enhancements to the Microsoft and Google Email systems (which were the primary focus of my site). And there are also now hundreds of websites that include personal productivity tips and articles that are very similar to what I had written over the years.

I am considering going through all the articles and turning the key site content into a low-cost eBook available on Amazon, but that will be a “future project” to consider given time, cost, and interest.

If you haven’t purchased any of the eBooks on my site, please consider doing it now before the site shuts down and they are no longer available.

I want to thank everyone for their support over the past decade and feel free to reach out to my using my Contact Page if you have any questions or final thoughts.

All the best.

Michael Einstein - Email Overload Solutions